Before I start I would like to say sorry because during all of the events that I describe in my journal I did not have a camera ready with me to take pictures of good physics...So I choose to draw my pictures instead...but the thing is I don't have a camera so I used the one on my computer...but when I was making my picture I forgot that my computer camera takes pictures backwards...sorry about that I totally forgot until I took the picture...I hope you understand it anyways lol
So this weekend was sooooo much fun! It was family fair and pretty much like a four day weekend. Before I talk about the physics in the movies I watched, I am going to tell you about physics I noticed when we were at the Arizona Memorial. So when we took the boat out to the memorial I noticed the doppler effect. But it was kind of like a jet breaking the sound barrier because the boat was going faster than the waves it created. Just like how the jet goes faster than the sound waves it creates. So As i looked at the front of the boat there was practically no waves at the tip but a bunch were very close to the front. And the waves in the back was very spaced out. The doppler effect is when the source of the waves or the listener moves in a way that the frequency of the waves in the front of the object or when the source is moving toward the listener is higher than in the back or when the source is moving away. I also heard the doppler effect in the movie Transformers near the end when all the super cool fighter planes were battling the bad transformers. There was a really good one when the plane was by the bridge. It made a high pitched sound and then a low pitched one. But that's not the only physics thing I saw in that movie. When Shia LaBeouf, "Sam" in the movie, was choosing his car and the sales guy wouldn't give it to him, Bumblebee shattered all the car's windows. In the movie Bumblebee made a sound and all the windows shattered. This is an example of resonance. Bumblebee knew exactly what the natural frequency of the car's windows were. So he played a note at that same frequency and because the windows wanted to vibrate at that frequency, it vibrated so much that the glass actually shattered. When I saw that part in the movie I honestly thought physics and I felt like such a dork =P But it's okay because on saturday when we were watching Kungfuu Panda at the fair, Matt Talevera shouted out transverse waves in the begining part when there was a lake or a pond or something like that. And that was in front of a whole lot of people (he's a bigger dork..haha jk matt) Anyways transverse waves are waves that travel perpendicular to the direction the wave is going. So there were crests and troughs in the water as the waves traveled....I actually saw transformers last weekend but I really wanted to put it in the journal this weekend. Okay that is the end of my journal bye now =]